Thursday, July 1, 2010

Working with Purpose Assignment #1.1

Going back over the Baxter essay I think his purpose might have been to inform us that technology can rule in a way that we could lose ourselves. Maybe using tools like memoirs and journals to preserve memories of our lives that make us who we are as individuals. We can't steer away from that and when we do make the best of it. Turn it into something positive.

I believe it mattered to Baxter, because he experienced it first hand with a loved one - his brother Tom. He wants us to find other ways to deal with the loss of memory and shame and forgetting in an Information Age. Once in a while go back to the old ways of sharing stories with people around you.

1. People he often take considerable pride in their minds and more particularly in their memories. Part II (page 144)

2. We are all computers now. Many of us have to spend the day in front of screens, moving the information around or creating new information. Part II (page 146)

3. Forgetting and shame might just serve, under the immediate surface of consciousness, as an escape route of sorts. Part III (page 150)

4. Every memoir argues that a personal memory is precious. Part IV (page 151)

5. The one story my brother Tom could not tell was the continuing story of why the ate the way he did. Part V (page 156-157)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cory. I think your on to a good start. Talk more about it in detail. I think your paper will be great once you get your thoughts together.
